πŸͺ΅Single Reference Sample + Import

What are Reference Samples?

TimberID allows you to add reference Timber Samples to your database. Reference Timber Samples are those collected by researchers or related entities whose measurements are used to train models.

TimberID uses Reference Timber Samples to train a Variational Inference ML model that predicts isotope ratios for several elements (dO18, dC13, dN15).

How do I enter a Reference Sample?

There are two options for adding sample data.

  1. You may use the option "Single Reference Sample" under "Add Sample".

    Single Reference Sample allows you to enter data about one timber sample, including all measurements that may exist at different points on the disc or slice of timber.

  2. You may also use the option "Import Samples" right below "Single Reference Sample" Import Samples allows you to import multiple Samples from a CSV file.

Adding a Single Reference Sample

If you enter a Reference Sample with the TimberID UI, it will record the following items on the first screen:

After hitting Next, the following screen appears with additional optional measurements to be recorded:

Click on the Next button and the final page allows you to review what you have entered. Click "Create Sample" to add the sample to TimberID as below.

Importing Sample from a CSV file

TimberID also allows you to import many reference samples at once through a csv file. The csv file must:

  • Use commas to separate values

  • The first row must be column names

  • The column names must all be lower case

You may include any columns you wish and while TimberId will not display all of them in the UI, they will be exported to Earth Engine as features at the latitude/longitude indicated.

Required Import Fields

Importing does require the following columns with respective validation rules.

Validation Errors

When you import values, if there are errors in your CSV or validation errors, TimberID will create a mirror copy of your input csv along with a new column called 'error' which is filled out for each row that has a validation error.

You can see the full list of potential import errors along with how to fix them, here.

Example CSV File

You may use the linked file as an example to create a valid import file.

Last updated