πŸ“šOpen Source Github Repositories

ComponentGithub Repository

TimberID Front End

https://github.com/tnc-br/ddf-sample-tracking This is a typescript web front end deployed to Firebase Hosting

Cloud Functions

https://github.com/tnc-br/ddf-insights-analytics These are python cloud functions deployed via gcloud.

Variational Inference and Research Colabs

https://github.com/tnc-br/ddf-isoscapes This repo contains several key colabs: 1. An ingestion colab that partitions reference samples 2. Several models to build isoscapes, including a variational inference model 3. A benchmarking validation colab that stamps isoscape with measured precision, recall and auc-pr.

Common and Earth Engine API

https://github.com/tnc-br/ddf_common Contains shared libraries used through research. It also contains the earth engine code to download reference samples and rasters for machine learning https://github.com/tnc-br/ddf_common_stub This stub library allows a colab to reference ddf_common from any branch, make changes and create pull requests.

Contributing to TimberID

All TimberID related repositories are open source. Anyone may submit a pull request into the main branch. However, only TimberID owners may approve changes.

The CODEOWNERS in each repository file lists the owner as tnc-br/TimberIDOwner. You may request owners of tnc-br/ to be added to this group to approve PRs.

Last updated